Reflecting on February

My expectations for February are always high. And, since it is the last month of winter, these expectations are often a bit too high. Like January, the first week went great. Routines were going well, and Jeff and I kept up our daily walks. Then, the power went out for 2 1/2 days due to an ice storm. It was an adventure, but our gas fireplace and stove kept us warm and fed enough. We made breakfast for dinner the first night and ate it by candle (and flash) light. The second night, we were supposed to go to a dinner concert as one of Jerrod’s Christmas presents. We ended up making it a family deal, which delighted only one of the “extras” who went along.

A few days after things got back to normal from the power outage, Jeff got horribly sick. He had all the classic symptoms of COVID, but 2 rapid tests and later a PCR test in Urgent Care came back negative. We all hope they were wrong, so that he doesn’t have to go through that again soon. Because of the sickness, we canceled our annual Family Valentine Dinner tradition.

I got another year older and had quiet celebrations with different family members individually and as a family. I got a surprise left by my door and a present at dinner time as well as four different presents delivered. I felt very spoiled indeed! The final week of February, Jeff was finally well enough so we could do a combined Valentine’s Day and Birthday half-day date together. Except one of the kids got the same type of illness — two weeks later! Thankfully, he got over it quicker, but the date was postponed once again.

As you know, my word for the year is Eternity. You can read more about what’s behind it here. In short, I have three sets of goals for this year. My PERSONAL goals are going well. I worked on each of them steadily and made progress on each one.

My PEOPLE goals are in three areas reminding me of keeping an Eternity perspective:

HOMEMAKING – Creating a Reflection of Heaven Here on Earth
HOSPITALITY – Impacting Others for Heaven
HOMESCHOOLING – Preparing my own Disciples for Heaven

My HOMEMAKING goal was to update some of the boys’ dress clothes after clearing out things last month. I didn’t make great headway on that or cleaning goals this month due to all the upheaval. Survival was the name of the game for at least half of the month.

Surprisingly, despite the setbacks of February, we did more HOSPITALITY this month than last. A new friend came over to talk piano with me, bearing some delicious homemade bread. The kids had friends over a few Wednesday nights after church. I closed out the final weekend with a group of ladies at my house for a coffee and craft night.

HOMESCHOOLING went well for February. I wanted to catch up on some grading and evaluate where we were since the middle of February marked the end of our 4th 6-week period of the year. Everyone seems to be on track. We learned about the spiritual lives of past Presidents and other historical figures, including the assassinated preacher, President Garfield. We’ve been learning about what else was going on in the world in the years during and after our Civil War and in the Industrial Age. The boys are doing great on memorizing the states and capitals, and we finished memorizing James 1. Jeffery is still concentrating on Government and Geometry with some Biblical Worldview classes and working 2 full days a week.

If the next one hundredth birthday of America does not find us a great nation, it will be because those responsible for its work, its culture, and its morality do not help in controlling the political powers.

President James Garfield, quoted in In God We Trust

Mom found another quote.

Joey, as I stop mid-sentence to take a picture of the above

My PRINT goals, as I mentioned in my word of the year post, include this blog, another writing project I’m working on (may share when it’s finished) and what I’m reading.

In case you missed them, here is the post (besides this one) from the blog in February:
Why (Even Single) Christians Should Support Marriage

What I Read In February:

Devotional Reading: I finished my word study throughout the Bible on words related to “sin” then I did a verse-by-verse study of 1 John. I read Matthew and part of Mark before the end of the month as well. I finished J. Warner Wallace’s Cold-Case Christianity: A Homicide Detective Investigates the Claims of the Gospels and began 42 Seconds: The Jesus Model for Everyday Interactions by Carl Medearis.

Our [daily] meals may not be as creative or flamboyant as those prepared by professional chefs, but they are typically sufficient and satisfying. Our
personal defense of Christianity may not be as robust as what can be offered by a professional apologist, but it can be just as powerful and persuasive.

– J. Warner Wallace, Cold-Case Christianity

Biography/Memoir: Home Made: A Story of Grief, Groceries, Showing Up – and What We Make When We Make Dinner by Liz Hauck
Disclaimer: This book is a raw and real story of a few teenage boys in the “system” of Boston. The author gives authentic details, including how the boys spoke and lived. I’m pretty sure we don’t agree in certain areas of politics and religion. I don’t agree with some of the language and lifestyles, but that is the point – empathy for people in a world I don’t share. This book left me in tears. It didn’t offer a happy ending or solid solutions, but it gave me a glimpse into their worlds. And gave these unknown kids a piece of my heart.

The ache for home lives in all of us, the safe place where we can go as we are and not be questioned.

Maya Angelou, quoted in Home Made

Hospitality/Connection: The Turquoise Table: Finding Community and Connection in Your Own Front Yard by Kristin Schell and Satisfied: Finding Hope, Joy and Contentment Right Where You Are by Alyssa Bethke

If there is room in the heart, there is room in the house.

Danish Proverb, quoted in The Turquoise Table

Parenting/Family Life: Slow Family Living: 75 Simple Ways to Slow Down, Connect, and Create More Joy by Bernadette Noll

Beneath every behavior is a need.

Bernadette Noll in Slow Family Living

Fiction: Dearly Beloved by Cara Hall

Inspiration for February:

I don’t know this lady or her sister personally, but this is a beautiful paraphrase of one of the best Scripture passages about love.

Quote for Eternity:

Every day I try to live my life in such a way that I accomplish at least one thing that will outlive me and last for eternity.

– Vernon Brewer, sent to me by a friend

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