The Main Reason We Blend Instead of Delegate

31 Days


I’ve shared a lot about our personal philosophies in this series. I hope I’ve made clear that we don’t think we have all the answers and that we don’t think that your life has to be a mirror image of ours. I’ve just shared from my heart in the hopes that you would be encouraged if you have made some of the same choices that we have.

I want to leave you with the reasons behind it all. Just why do we center so much around our home? Why do we take so much responsibility for our children and delegate very little? Why do I get passionate about homeschooling? I want to leave you with three passages of Scripture that form a foundation for our decisions.

1. God placed man and woman in a home.

The first few chapters of Genesis describe the first six days of Creation. Basically, God spent them creating an environment that was perfect for the man and woman that finalized the process of Creation. In that environment they worked and rested and lived their lives until the Fall. God met with them there.

God created marriage and the home as the first institution before church or government. Are these not important? Of course they are important, but I would venture to say that He considers them less important.

2. The home is central to education.

In Deuteronomy 6, God tells us to teach our children diligently. He tells us how to do this: all the time. When we’re sitting at home, when we’re walking down the street, when we go to bed and when we first wake up. We’re to make visible reminders of His commands and His love everywhere for our children to see. Education can be delegated to a school system, but I find it difficult to teach these things diligently when my children are away from me.

3. My home is mine to manage.

In the New Testament passage of Titus 2, Paul tells Titus the characteristics of Godly men and women. He tells him that younger women must learn from the older women how to be women of character and women who love their families. Paul also tells him that women are to manage their homes.

Yes, “to keep” in this passage doesn’t just mean “to stay”. It’s not the stereotype of a woman who never leaves her house or does anything beyond domestic duties. It means she is to guard it, to manage it.

I want to be there, on site most of the time. I cannot manage my home well if all of my energies are given to outside ministries, pursuits and employment. I want to take it seriously and do the best job that I can.

Home. It truly is a wonderful place to be.


We finally made it! I wrote for 31 days straight about one topic, and you read along. Thank you so much for reading my ramblings! It feels good to have completed my goal. Feel free to leave me comments or e-mail me about your own ideas and what you want to read in the future.

Many Blessings,

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