September WELCOME Check In

In case you missed it, my word of the year is WELCOME, described by the acronym below. For more details on why I chose this word go here.

Worship – Making room for God
Embrace – Making room for my family
Learn – Making room to grow my mind
Care – Making room for my health
Offer – Making room for others
Minimize – Making room by clearing a thing or practice from my life
Everyday Blessings – Recording the little joys that occur when I make room

Goal: Rise early to have more time with God.

I told you last month, I had a better idea for a goal next month which I hoped would enhance worship but not make it feel like a checklist. My hope was that rising early would automatically help my prayer life because I had more time to spend. I did have some wonderful times with the Lord, but I did not rise early most of the time. This has always been an area of struggle since I’m more of a night owl. I’m thankful that my flexible schedule allows me to take more time in the morning when I need to instead of skipping over devotions because I have to be somewhere.

I heard three different preachers this month due to fill-ins at our church. It is always interesting to hear different perspectives on familiar Scriptures. A few of the passages covered intrigued me so I dug a little deeper at home along with my Bible reading plan.

I’m still following this Bible reading plan. I absolutely love the whole Word of God, but I am eager to get back into the New Testament for the rest of the year.

Goal: One-on-one outing with each family member.

Jessica and I attended a writing class together and had lunch at our favorite Panera Bread. We also tried out a new coffee shop later in the month while getting groceries. Jerrod, Joey and I took a field trip to our new town’s historical center. It was neat to see their uncle’s name honored for his service to our country and his ultimate sacrifice while serving. We went out to breakfast and to a farmer’s market one morning as a family, and Jeff and I went on a dinner date one evening. I guess I need to make time with my oldest son a priority next month!

Besides spending time with my own immediate family, we had a couple impromptu visits with my family in the midst of a busy month. We met my sister, mom and dad halfway for lunch one day. Mom and Dad were able to spend two different nights with us on their way to and from events.

Goal: Read chapter from a writing book and write in the afternoons.

I changed this goal mid-way. While I did a little bit of writing this month, I set aside the writing book. It seemed like I was reading more than writing. I’m going to try for more action next month!

Always, I’m learning through reading – one of my favorite pastimes. Anytime I recommend a book (or anything for that matter!), remember it is not infallible and I’m not recommending or endorsing every part of it. With that caveat, here are a few good books I read this month:

On Christian Faith:
The Story of Reality by Greg Koukl
After reading his excellent book on apologetics a few months ago, I had to read Greg’s book explaining the Christian faith. I think he did an excellent job simplifying the Story while addressing the most common intellectual objections. I would highly recommend this book to anyone wanting to know more what Christianity is all about or wondering if it is actually true.

Hostile Intent by Lynette Eason
I read the other three in this Danger Never Sleeps series. When this last one came out this year, I reserved it at the library right away. Ironically, I stayed up quite late reading this one. Hence, my struggle with getting up early! Fortunately, it was the only fiction compelling enough to miss sleep over this month.

Intersection of Food and Theology:
Broken Bread: How to Stop Using Food and Fear to Fill Spiritual Hunger by Tilly Dillehay
When we think of how food affects our spiritual life, we often just focus on gluttony. While gluttony is a Biblical issue and one Dillehay addresses, she also addresses other broken ideas around theology and food including asceticism, food snobbery and total apathy. I found this a much more complete study that I’ve read before. It also challenged me to find better balance in my food choices.

Business but also Relationships:
Start With Your People: The Daily Decision That Changes Everything by Brian Dixon
This book had a lot of great business advice which didn’t readily apply to me. However, I love the mindsets Dixon teaches about how to deal with difficult people, how to put people before any mission and how to have a proper money mindset that isn’t about greed but generosity.

On My Coffee Table:
September is a month between seasons for me. I pictured our transitional coffee table in this post. I did find a nice tray on a bargain, so I did a few different things this month. Here a couple things I tried:

Norman Rockwell Behind the Camera by Ron Schick and
Inside Buckingham Palace by Andrew Morton
If I Live to Be 100: The Wisdom of Centenarians by Paul Mobley

Goal: Walk daily, eat more nutritiously, make routine doctor appointments, go on my fall retreat.

I am doing about 75% on the walking and eating nutritiously. I did make my annual doctor’s appointment — had to find a new doctor in my new town. I also went to the chiropractor again which helped tremendously with some pain issues. I made appointments for all the kids at a new dentist and Jerrod is getting ready to start orthodontic treatment.

I usually take two retreats a year. One is the homeschool convention in the spring (which I missed for two years now due to pandemic and moving). The other is a women’s retreat I attended first with my mom, then with my mom and daughter once she got old enough. It was also cancelled last year due to the pandemic. This year, it was not only scheduled again but my sister got to go along for the first time! The four of us had a fun day in Amish country.

Coffee Time!

Goal: Host Labor Day, have a friend for coffee, have someone for dinner, attend my nephew’s birthday party.

Both of our parents and my sister’s family were on vacation for Labor Day, so we had Jeff’s brother and sister and their families over for a cookout and volleyball. There was a lot of sickness and traveling in the month of September so we didn’t have opportunity to have anyone over otherwise. I also went on a trip with my parents to visit my nephew for his first birthday party.

Remembering September 11

Goal: News Feed on Facebook.

Isn’t Facebook just a little depressing and pointless right now? I’ve attempted to curate my news in smaller bits using this podcast and these e-mails. Facebook news is often either censored, sensational, disturbing or just not completely accurate. While it doesn’t work on my phone, I do disable my news feed completely on my computer. If a friend posts something worth seeing, it shows up in my notifications and I can choose to see it. If a friend is too political on Facebook, I may just connect with them another way and unfollow them there. Why not leave Facebook completely? Well, there are a few people I only connect with through Facebook due to distance as well as a few groups of which I’m a part that make announcements through Facebook. I also see it as a way to be a positive force for God and His Kingdom and reach out to others. This is something I want to do better in the future.

A few more highlights from our September below:
Finished preparing the flower beds and planted a few perennials~Ate the last potato salad and the first pumpkin roll of the season~Got our last ice cream of the season (maybe) and ate it next to the first fire of the season~Added the third piece of art to my home created by a family member (though it’s not quite on the wall yet)~Finished our sixth week of the school year~Celebrated our third teenager (for a few more months)~Started acting on some dreams with sweet support from those I love best.

Never know what I’ll find the morning after Friday night crafting
Love my baby sis!
Our biggest helper on the flowerbeds


[God] is good, but he is not safe. We must never forget that. Absolute goodness makes God absolutely dangerous, for the only ones who are safe are the ones who are good like He is.

From The Story of Reality by Greg Koukl

Food was an evangelistic bridge that Jesus walked over again and again. We can use it the same way in our humble kitchens with our humble pots and pans.

From Broken Bread by Tilly Dillehay

God gave us everything we needed to be happy – that is, fulfilled, satisfied, living out all of God’s good purpose. But the most important thing God gave was Himself, that we be continually filled with joy in His presence and find sweet contentment in His provision.

Also from The Story of Reality

‘Social justice’ is not the Gospel…His real message was much more radical. Jesus’ teaching…focuses on something else. Not on the works of Christians but rather on the work of Christ. That is what the Story teaches.

Again from The Story of Reality

Ask yourself each morning and throughout the day, ‘What can I do to treat people like they matter?’

From Start With Your People by Brian Dixon

Disclaimer: On any music video I share, I am only attempting to share that particular song. It is in no way an endorsement of the artist, other songs they may sing or any ads associated with the video. I’m also not endorsing the dress code on the following video. 🙂

On the threshold of my third decade of parenting, this is my heart cry most days.

I hope you all had a gorgeous September and are ready for October and the joys of Autumn! I’d love to hear some of your goals in the comments or in an e-mail. I’ll check in again next month.


  1. Tonya Brewer

    Beautifully written! I need to do alot more of your “Welcome!” I have so much to be thankful for. My mother-in-law found out she had Cervical cancer this July. With lots of prayers God helped her through it. Miracles happen every day! She is cancer free after having a hysterectomy. My mom had cataract surgery this week on her right eye. In two weeks she will get her left eye done. Daniel received a perfect score for his mid-term paper. It’s the little things (along with the big ones as well) that we are blessed with. Thanks for being such a wonderful Christian role model to look up to.

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