Work that Works for You Series: Home Party Businesses

  Although it has  been around longer than the internet, the home party business model is still going strong. There are literally hundreds of different direct sales businesses available at little start-up cost. I could never list them all, but I asked three people who love their businesses to share …

The Main Reason We Blend Instead of Delegate

  I’ve shared a lot about our personal philosophies in this series. I hope I’ve made clear that we don’t think we have all the answers and that we don’t think that your life has to be a mirror image of ours. I’ve just shared from my heart in the …

My Well-Worn Checklist for Overwhelmed Moms

Overwhelmed. That may be how you are feeling since we’ve talked for nearly 31 days about blending all the different areas of your life. Your life may even have a whole lot more categories than just Work, School and Home. I think we have all been there at one time …

Sabbath Portrait: Enjoying Your Unique Smoothie

  During this 31 Days of writing, I have focused each Sunday post on Sabbath rest, the culmination of all of our “blending”. If you haven’t read the first posts, I suggest that you read them before you read the last post today: Why You Should Turn Off the Blender …

The Story of the Orchard and Why Comparing Won’t Work

Once upon a time there lived an apple. She was a brilliant red color with a sweet and tangy flavor. She grew on a tree in an orchard surrounded by other lovely fruits. She appreciated all her God-given qualities and looked forward to the day when she would become applesauce …

Nourishing Mom Without Nurturing the Flesh

  The subject of moms finding “me time” is a slippery slope. While the discussion has its merits, it can lead to some dangerous conclusions. Almost everyone agrees that a woman that runs from dawn until midnight from one task to another without taking time for a shower or a …

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