November WELCOME Check In

In case you missed it, my word of the year is WELCOME, described by the acronym below. For more details on why I chose this word go here.

Worship – Making room for God
Embrace – Making room for my family
Learn – Making room to grow my mind
Care – Making room for my health
Offer – Making room for others
Minimize – Making room by clearing a thing or practice from my life
Everyday Blessings – Recording the little joys that occur when I make room

Goal: Expand prayer time.

I have been convicted of the great need for prayer even more lately. I want to pray more, but I know it won’t just happen. I have to systematically plan for it. I’ve attempted to add to my prayer time this month, but I still have so far to go. This is one goal that doesn’t have a completion on it. One can never pray too much!

Goal: Finish a writing project, keep up new project, work on an old writing project.

I know I’m being vague here, but some of my goals are personal at this point. I did finish a writing project for someone else, I’m keeping up well with my new project and did not have time to work on the older writing project. I’m trying to re-prioritize so I can fit things into their proper priority “boxes.”

Always, I’m learning through reading – one of my favorite pastimes. Anytime I recommend a book (or anything for that matter!), remember it is not infallible and I’m not recommending or endorsing every part of it. With that caveat, here are a few good books I read this month:

On Homeschooling, but also Parenting:
The 4 Hour School Day by Durenda Wilson
This was a good read by a veteran homeschool mom of….a lot. We have been fitting our homeschooling into the first four hours of the day for quite a while. It has worked for us through various seasons. This book wasn’t so much a “how to” but an evaluation of the real reason for homeschooling and how to relax the pace so you can enjoy it (most of the time!).

Nikki Boyd Files series by Lisa Harris
I’m still reading Christian suspense for my fiction this month. I’ve been reading a lot of “heavier” non-fiction so this is a break for my brain. A true a-musement (without thinking). However, the Christian worldview and a lack of uncomfortable romantic scenes and language do make it seem like a worthy amusement.

On Health:
Liquids Till Lunch by Mary Ruth Ghiyam
This was a very helpful book with 12 recommended daily habits. Each one of them is very doable, and doing them all contributes to a healthier lifestyle. The last two were based in faulty New Age premises, but I was able to apply them to my own worldview and belief system. There were a few hints throughout the book that the author and I differ spiritually. However, most of the habits are physical and are already helping me to think more about my food choices and feel better.

On Hospitality and Home:
Reach Out Gather In by Karen Ehman
Another practical book on how to show hospitality with your life, not just your home. This could be used as a 40 day devotional. I do not care for devotional books per se, so I read it all at once.

Welcome Home by Myquillyn Smith
I had to get this one in on the WELCOME year. As usual, Myquillyn gives lots of encouragement and great tips for how to bring the different seasons into one’s home. I’m learning and growing here. Christmas is a holiday not a season? Mind blown. 🙂

Bedroom Art Finally Hung

On My Coffee Table:
These books are finishing out the autumn coffee table until I put out Christmas decorations and books: The Welcoming House: The Art of Living Graciously by Jane Schwab, de Gournay: Art on the Walls: Everlasting Beauty, Hand-Painted Interiors by Claud Gurney, and Food Journeys for a Lifetime: 500 Extraordinary Places to Eat Around the Globe edited by National Geographic Society.

Goal: Eating and Exercising

I’ve been making some small changes in my eating, but exercising is a real chore for me once it gets cold. If I can’t be outside, I don’t do it as well. So this needs reworked for the future months.

Goal: Multiple gatherings and Thanksgiving

We had a fall gathering with different churches in our area, company for a Sunday dinner, met my parents and sister for breakfast, had a special family dinner at home for Jeff’s birthday, a lovely Thanksgiving dinner and visit with my family and a pizza party gathering for the other side of the family since we were out of town for their Thanksgiving celebration. I also had a date night with my husband and a few outings with the kids individually, had a few friends over for tea/coffee, and attended a women’s meeting.

Goal: Go through clothes, winter items and coats and make room.

I did complete this, gave some too-small clothes and coats to new owners, and made the necessary purchases to keep us from freezing so far in the season.

A few more highlights from our November below:


Our grand business undoubtedly is, not to see what lies dimly at a distance, but to do what lies clearly at hand. -Thomas Carlyle, Scottish historian

Every now is an eternity if it is full of God. – Frank Laubach

From Win the Day by Mark Batterson

Satan and his demons…fear your prayer more than your witness and your work. They would rather have you to be busy for God all day than to pray for one hour.

The Holy Spirit was given at Pentecost, not to keep the church blessed and comfortable, but to make the church invincible.

From Touch the World Through Prayer by Dick Eastman

As we carry out our duties, we must work gently, tranquilly and lovingly with God, asking Him to accept our labor.

From Practicing the Presence of God by Brother Lawrence

Your competition isn’t other people. Your competition is your procrastination. Your ego. The unhealthy food that you’re consuming, the knowledge you neglect. The negative behavior you’re nurturing and your lack of creativity. Compete against that.

Lewis Howes, quoted in Liquids Till Lunch by Mary Ruth Ghiyam

Disclaimer: On any music video I share, I am only attempting to share that particular song. It is in no way an endorsement of the artist, other songs they may sing or any ads associated with the video.

I hope you had a wonderful autumn and a beautiful Thanksgiving. I’d love to hear some of your goals in the comments or in an e-mail. I’ll do one more WELCOME check in next month, the last of 2021.

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