How to Begin Cherishing Your Life



We made it through another 31 Days of writing for me and reading for you. I’m actually finishing this a little past the 31st day, but that is just my life. Thank you so much for joining me on this journey.

I told you about my day, my week, my year. I shared about my people, my home and my favorite things. I mentioned my goals to cherish life better and to reach out more in my community, country and world. We’ve covered a lot of ground.

I hope this wasn’t just a collection of stories about me. I hope it inspires you to start thinking of your own story. The people and things you have to love and value better. Maybe you could even write it down.

May I inspire you to look around and catch the vision of cherishing every single part of life? It starts with gratitude and noticing and observing and enjoying and savoring. And from there it blossoms into the beautiful, abundant life God has for you and for me.

I pray He will bless you richly today, and that you will savor those blessings. Thank you, reader. I cherish you as well!

Resources for Cherishing Your Life:

One Thousand Gifts by Ann Voskamp

and the index to the entire Learning to Cherish series is here.



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