How 2020 “Unhurried” Me

At the beginning of the year, I had big plans….or perhaps, un-plans. Then, the craziness we’ve come to know as 2020 descended and I updated those plans again. Now, both finally and all too soon, we’re at the end of 2020. I don’t want this year to be wasted. Probably each of us would write in a few different details if we were planning out 2020, but God gave us its challenges for a reason.

While it’s easy to get lost in the negatives of this year, many beautiful things happened in our family as well. I was thankful that, whether by my focus on “unhurrying” or the abrupt change of plans a pandemic introduced, I was paying more attention this year.

JANUARY – We began the long-deferred project of remodeling our living room and dining room while simultaneously taking two trips. Our family helped out at a convention and met some lovely people in Kansas. Then, my husband left for his first international trip to visit a mission field in Belize. A few days after he returned, our family left for yet another trip for a youth convention in Pennsylvania.

FEBRUARY – We had our annual Valentine’s Day celebration and cooked a three course dinner as a family. We finally had our Christmas with Jeff’s family that had been canceled several times due to sickness. We greatly enjoyed a convention held at our church–no traveling or participation involved.

MARCH – The kids participated in a Bake-Off and Science Fair with each of them baking something. All of the kids placed and Jessica got first prize for her age group. We attended our nephew’s 18th birthday party. When our church decided to only meet virtually, we learned new skills, along with our pastors’ families, of how to livestream services on Facebook for the rest of the congregation.

APRIL – Easter looked a bit different as far as church, but we did get a special delivery from our pastor’s family of eggs to hunt in our yard. Our daughter turned 18 in April, but we couldn’t do a big party for it. It was a low-key affair at home. She began fostering kittens this month and grew very attached to her first one, Arwen. We paid the adoption fee so she could keep her as a birthday gift. So, we added another family member….a furry one.

MAY – We usually celebrate Mother’s Day by going to a tea room with my mom and the ladies in the family. The tea room was closed, but they did allow carry out. I happen to have a few teapots and fancy dishes, so we recreated it at my house the best we could. We were so excited to get back to regular church services this month. It was long and lonely without meeting with our church family! Unfortunately, we still weren’t able to meet in large groups for my final piano recital. We did a virtual one that went pretty well. That ended my 22 year career as a piano teacher — at least until I finish homeschooling.

JUNE – The first month of summer ended our oldest child’s homeschooling years. We did senior pictures and held her graduation at our church. We regretted not being able to do a big party with our church family and guests, but we did have a family-only dinner at a restaurant.

JULY – We attended a friend’s graduation and party over the 4th of July then traveled to Tennessee for a family vacation. We had a special rally service to replace our church camp that had to be cancelled. Our church had a 3 day VBS instead of our regular 5 day one. We were excited to have cousins come and spend the week with us so they could attend VBS and spend some extra time together. We ended up the week with a picnic on our church lawn.

AUGUST – We began our 14th year of homeschooling with only 3 students instead of 4. It proceeded in a much less hurried manner with fewer students, mostly independent workers and no piano lessons to teach in the afternoons. Our oldest son turned 15 this month. We had weekly park days with friends so the boys could play basketball and I could chat with other moms. We also spent a weekend visiting out-of-town family and meeting our brand new nephew.

SEPTEMBER – We had a family picnic for Labor Day but missed the fireworks and parade our town usually has. Our second son turned 12 on Labor Day, so we had a little party for him as well. We attended our oldest nephew’s wedding with our four children participating in some way. We were able to sign up for two smaller co-op groups to replace our regular co-op which didn’t meet because of COVID restrictions. The boys enjoyed Creative Writing, State History, Forensics, Economics, Survival Skills, Life Skills and Gym Classes with friends.

OCTOBER – I got a rare treat this month. A friend I’m rarely able to see from another state was traveling for ministry near us. We got to go hear her and her husband minister as well as share a meal with them and other friends. We had another nephew born this month, so my parents, sister and nieces joined me for a road trip to go see him. Our youngest turned 10 this month. We spent a week in our camper visiting family out of town and attending a family reunion. The month ended with a lovely Pastor’s Appreciation Dinner put on by our church’s hospitality team.

NOVEMBER – We traveled yet again this month to help in a convention and meet more lovely people in Kansas and Missouri. We had an early Thanksgiving dinner with my family, then traveled to my husband’s family’s for the actual holiday. We began our Christmas season with a night-time walk to look at Christmas lights and putting up our tree.

DECEMBER – Due to a possible exposure, we got our first taste of quarantine at the beginning of the month. We had to stay home from church and get our groceries by pickup, but the days were just spent calmly at home without anyone developing symptoms. Our two youngest boys had their first piano recital with their new teacher and did a great job! We were finally able to visit the actual tea room for my mom’s birthday. Our church Christmas program went well despite having several people out for various reasons. It is always a worshipful time of our Christmas season! We had a beautiful Christmas Eve and Christmas Day, participating in our regular family traditions and meeting with my family.

Even in the midst of what many are calling the worst year ever, God was there and allowed these lovely memories. I’m thankful that I slowed my pace to enjoy the benefits of this year, too.

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