Fine Tuning with Essential Oils

Stories for the Journey


Note: This week, I will be sharing stories of my physical  journey. All of these are intended to tell what happened to me, not to tell you what to do. They are anecdotes NOT advice. You have your own journey and have to do your own research. Feel free to share your stories in the comments or in an email. I would love to read them! 

I told you yesterday about how I use oils to cleanse and purify. I had been ignoring the essential oil “fad” for some time. It seemed kind of like hype to me. Even though some of the stories sounded good, essential oils were still kind of expensive.

Then, a friend told me about how her sister was healed of MS symptoms by using essential oils. It amazed me that oils could deal with something that systemic. Even though I was skeptical, I also had to admit that the Bible was full of using plant-derived oils for healing. God created everything for our benefit. Maybe there was more to plants than just a base for a salad.

I finally messaged my friend, and told her I wanted to buy a kit with the basics to try them out on my family. She sent me the kit, and told me I also had a website. The thought of growing another business with all the other things I’m doing now amuses me and frankly doesn’t interest me much, but if you want to know what essential oils are, you can check it out  here.

We don’t have major issues, but here are the ways I have used my little kit so far:

  • Frankincense – My 3-year-old got a nasty blister on his ear that reminded me of a staph type of  infection. I applied frankincense mixed with coconut oil and Lunasin (more on that later). It was noticeably better the next morning and gone in 2 or 3 days. We use the same blend for his eczema spots if they come up. By the way, who else used Frankincense? Yes, Jesus Himself.
  • Lavender – This oil has a calming effect so I use it in my face wash before bed. I also use it with epsom salts in the bathtub from time to time and in some of my cleaning products.
  • Lemon – I’ve used this one in water instead of a lemon slice and in my cleaners. It smells so delicious!
  • Peppermint – Three of my family members deal with migraines. We use this on the forehead or the handy PastTense roll on that includes other oils as a pain relief blend. It also smells good!
  • Melaleuca – This is great for skin problems, so I use it in my face wash and also as a spot treatment for acne.
  • Oregano – This oil taught me how powerful and concentrated these oils are and the importance of reading the instructions. I used this first on my son’s ear undiluted. Then, I read how it should be diluted and not used on children under 6. Oops! Besides smelling like a pizza, he was in pain and his ear was fiery red! Thankfully, lavender takes away the pain, but he was glad when I switched to frankincense! I’ll know this is something powerful to use when more major issues come up!
  • Deep Blue – I recently twisted my back and was in pain whenever I would stoop or bend for a day and a half. In my manual, I found the secret to this alternative that works better than Icy Hot. I applied a few drops to the area and put a warm compress over it. It felt wonderful, and my pain eased. It was completely better the next morning. I also use this for my husband’s headaches that reach into his neck and back muscles.
  • Breathe – This blend helped my daughter when she had trouble breathing due to a sinus infection. She couldn’t sleep due to the pressure and congestion. She used it aromatically and even rubbed a bit under her nose and was soon sleeping peacefully.

I have since tried the shampoo and conditioner which smell and work amazingly and got rid of the last bit of acne I had along my hairline as a reaction to my other shampoos. I also use the Whisper blend as a perfume.

If you’re interested in trying a few products that I don’t have a particular need for right now, let me know. I would like your opinion on how they work so I will know. Want to be a guinea pig like me? I would like someone to try the bug repellent and a few of the hair products and let me know how they work. 




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