Cherishing Tasks: The Project Hour



Note: Over the next week, I’m going to take you with me on a meander through my day. No two days look alike around here, but this will give you a glimpse on my daily rituals of cherishing life. I do this very imperfectly. I would love to hear about your own rituals in the comments. And don’t forget to check out my favorite resources on the bottom of these posts. 

Each morning, when I am done with devotions and dressing for the day, I know those remaining minutes until the first child wakes up are precious. Those are the last moments of quiet I will have for quite a few hours! So, I fit my “thinking” activities into this time frame. I like to call it my Project Hour because I am the daughter of a preacher and alliteration calls to me (remember the Personal Hour and the Power Hour?).


Most mornings, this time is just a time to prepare the kids’ school work for the day, get laundry and meals for the day going and check my calendar.

Some days my projects are more clearly defined. Since I grocery shop Thursday evenings, I make my menu and shopping list on Thursday mornings. My husband gets paid Friday mornings, so I do our weekly budget and bill paying on Friday morning. Tuesday is our co-op, so I’m often doing last minute prep like packing lunches and gathering materials for whatever class I am teaching.

This is also the time I blog, answer e-mails or order things online. Now you know why you get sporadic blog posts. I can only blog after the rest of my essentials are finished.  My kids don’t exactly appreciate the value of a blog post on menu planning when we’re eating cereal for dinner. Not to mention my husband would not be impressed if we got an overdue notice on our gas bill because I was writing about how I pay my bills. Oh the irony.

Now my project hour is drawing to a close, so I’ll close this post as well.

Resources for Project Days:

Menu Planning:

The Fresh 20

Saving Dinner



Dave Ramsey

The Total Money Makeover by Dave Ramsey

Good Budget

My Current Planner:

Homemaker’s Friend






  1. Pingback: Cherish and Nourish: Dinner « Jennifer L. Self

  2. Pingback: 31 Days of Learning to Cherish « Jennifer L. Self

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