Cherishing Jesus: The Morning Personal Hour


Note: Over the next week, I’m going to take you with me on a meander through my day. No two days look alike around here, but this will give you a glimpse on my daily rituals of cherishing life. I do this very imperfectly. I would love to hear about your own rituals in the comments. And don’t forget to check out my favorite resources on the bottom of these posts. 

My husband just left for work, and I’m settling into the living room chair with a steaming cup of coffee. I just brewed it from coffee beans my husband roasted over the weekend. He took his in a to-go mug. I carefully chose mine from my small collection. This morning, I chose a cup my mother-in-law used and added a few spoonfuls of coconut palm sugar. On mornings I think my children may wake early, I use my chalkboard cup:

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I also have my Bible and my journal. This is the beginning of my first personal hour of the day. It is about 5:30 A.M. so my children are asleep. I curl up with just me and Jesus.

I write first. It clears my head of all I did yesterday and all I need to do today. I put my latest thoughts, dreams, goals in my journal. Sometimes I write my prayers in it.

Next, I open my Bible and write what I’m reading for the day. Sometimes a verse grabs me, and I start picking it apart. Sometimes I read several chapters. Today, I’m nearing the end of the book of Acts. We’re studying it for a missions emphasis at our church.

I write down any new insights, applications or thoughts about what I read. No one will read it, so it’s just me. I don’t worry about handwriting, grammar or how it sounds. It’s just my heart spilling onto paper. Pretty lined paper in a pretty pink or purple journal. With ink, sometimes purple ink, but always a pen that feels good in my hand.

I love Jesus very much so this time with Him is special. I love to sit, savor my coffee and write in my journal. I love to read a chapter from a devotional book and prepare my heart for the day.

I don’t always love the physical part of preparing for my day. Some people call it exercise. Some call it working out. I read recently about someone calling it the Power Hour and combining it with their devotional time(see resources).

I like that idea, but I decided to call it my prayer walk. If I combine something I like to do with something that doesn’t come quite as naturally, my hopes are it will stick. I’ve done it once, and it was great. I got on the treadmill, didn’t worry about the time or speed or miles, and just walked while praying through my list: my list of thank yous and praises, my family members and my relationships with them, my friends and church family and specific needs people have asked me to pray about. By the time I was done, I had logged over a mile. Maybe my prayer life will grow as well as my fitness. Feel free to check up on me and see if I’m continuing!

Resources for a Morning Personal Hour:


The King James Study Bible for Women

The Believer’s Conditional Security by Daniel D. Corner

Own Your Life by Sally Clarkson

The Circle Maker, The Grave Robber and All In by Mark Batterson

Love, Skip, Jump by Shelene Bryan

F.I.T.:Faith Inspired Transformation by Kim Dolan Leto

Coffee (yes, it’s essential but tea will do almost as nicely):

Sweet Maria’s (to roast your own)

Peet’s Major Dickason roast  (The link is just to show you what it is. Buy it on sale at Wal-Mart, Giant Eagle or Earthfare. You’re welcome.)

Green or Earl Grey Tea (I’m not brand loyal and usually buy the Aldi versions, but Yogi is a good brand.)






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