August Building Blocks

August Building blocks

August. The days were hot and full as we moved from spontaneous schedules to preparation for school to start.

Building Spiritual Life

I finished up my study on Proverbs 31 and studied the book of Esther. I began Deuteronomy as well. The Lord continually teaches me new things in amazing ways.

Building Relationships

Our oldest son had a birthday this month. We had our homemade celebration of his favorite meal, requested dessert, presents and family night.


We took a working vacation which included dinner with old friends, a trip to the Ark Encounter and a visit with Jeff’s family.

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We did a few more flea markets together and the kids spent a night with Papaw and Memaw as well as a day with their aunt and uncle while we did a few things for our business.


Building Health, Mind and Spirit

Because of all of our travel, my nutrition and exercise were less than desirable this month.

I listened to some helpful podcasts and did some reading this month.

Developing the Leader Within You by John C. Maxwell

This was a book I scanned. I used to read every single word of a book until I, appropriately, read a book by John Maxwell that suggested you read so many books a month and scan so many a month to get the highlights.

Here are a few of those highlights:

“The key to success in an endeavor is the ability to lead others successfully.”

“The best investment in the future is a proper influence today.”

“A leader can give up anything except final responsibility.”

Entreleadership by Dave Ramsey

I scanned a few of these chapters, but I read most of the book. I have found Dave Ramsey to write much like he talks on his radio show. In my opinion, he serves up the right blend of encouragement and tough love, entertainment and practical knowledge.

This book teaches the principles on which he builds his team of over 500 and the practices he uses in his business to make it the success it is. He truly cares about his team and inspires them to approach even their work for someone else with an entrepreneurial spirit.

Fit 2 Fat 2 Fit by Drew Manning

While this book has a nutrition and exercise plan, I read it for the value of Drew’s story. He was obsessively healthy and fit his whole life. He admitted he had little patience with his personal training clients who did well for a while, then flagged in motivation. He secretly found them lazy and undisciplined.

While working with an obese client, he realized that he was not fully effective because he had never been where his clients were. He had always loved working out and eating nutritiously. He set out to gain weight over a period of 6 months so he could take the journey along with his clients back to health. He learned some surprising things along the way, which I found inspiring.

Building Home/Career/Ministry

We made strides in our family business this month and hit our October goal in the last hours of August. We were excited to meet it early and celebrated with horribly non-nutritious Polar Pops. We were able to meet twice with a potential new business contact who is becoming just as much a mentor and friend.

While our home is far from where we need it to be, I did get the dining room/homeschool room/temporary office area organized. It still is stacked with boxes occasionally, but the office area is our project for next month.IMG_3130

I added several new piano students for the fall, and I’m looking forward to a great new year. I have such a great group of motivated students.

I helped out with the music at VBS at our church this month. My kids enjoyed the VBS as well. I did make a regular ministry I’ve been a part of for the last year into a less frequent commitment. I am trying to prioritize so I can focus on God’s best for me rather than spend time on a lot of things which may just be good.

Unexpected Building Blocks


While school looks a little different this year, we began August 29 with our regular first day tradition. Instead of buying the cute little chalkboards or numbers for their grade, I let them decorate their own. That way I can see their writing and what interested them from year to year. They aren’t as photo worthy, but you all know I’m not the photographer type of mom. 🙂 We also take a first day of school survey and had fun reading last year’s answers.


How was your August? And what will you build for September?

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