31 Days of Learning to Cherish



It is my third year to participate in Write 31 Days, a challenge to write every day in October about one topic. Last year I wrote 31 Days of Stories for the Journey. The year before that I wrote 31 Days of Blending Work, School and Home. Since I am on a year-long mission to learn to cherish my life, I chose that as my topic this year.

This will be the landing page for the series. When it is complete, you can come back here and see a complete list of the posts in order.

Cherishing my life is very much a work in progress. I’m very new to the idea of being rather than doing. In this series, I’m going to invite you into my everyday life, should you care to join me. We will walk through what it means to cherish life and how I’m attempting it this year. Whenever possible, I will include some favorite resources to help you on your own journey to cherish the life you have been given.

Come along, cherished reader, and let’s begin:

Day Two :: What it Means to Cherish

Day Three :: Cherishing Life Starts With Me

Day Four :: Integrating Into a Whole Person

Day Five :: Building Your Personal Team

Day Six :: When to Let Go of a Relationship

Day Seven :: Creating Space to Rest

Day Eight :: Cherishing Jesus: The Morning Personal Hour

Day Nine :: Cherishing Beauty: Getting Ready for the Day

Day Ten :: Cherishing Tasks: The Project Hour

Day Eleven :: Cherish and Nourish: Breakfast

Day Twelve :: Cherishing Chores

Day Thirteen :: Cherishing Learning

Day Fourteen :: Cherish and Nourish: Lunch

Day Fifteen :: Cherishing Our Home

Day Sixteen :: Cherishing Hobbies: The Afternoon Personal Hour

Day Seventeen :: Cherishing Work

Day Eighteen :: Cherishing Marriage

Day Nineteen :: Cherish and Nourish: Dinner

Day Twenty :: Cherishing Evenings

Day Twenty One :: Cherishing Time Away From Home

Day Twenty Two :: Cherishing Church Family

Day Twenty Three :: Cherishing My Children

Day Twenty Four :: Cherishing Extended Family

Day Twenty Five :: Cherishing Celebrations

Day Twenty Six :: Cherishing Money

Day Twenty Seven :: Cherishing Things

Day Twenty Eight :: Cherishing Friends

Day Twenty Nine :: Cherishing and Honoring Life

Day Thirty :: Cherishing My World

Day Thirty One :: How to Begin Cherishing Your Life


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  1. Pingback: How to Begin Cherishing Your Life « Jennifer L. Self

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