Word of 2022: Eternity

Eternity, according to britannica.com, is “timelessness, or the state of that which is held to have neither beginning nor end.” According to Christianity, which I believe to be absolute truth, God is the only One eternal. There is nothing that came before Him because He’s always been and will always exist. He created our universe and placed humanity within it. Human beings are unique in that they have eternal souls. Yes, we all had a beginning. However, none of our souls will have an ending.

To illustrate this incomprehensible idea with Geometry, God is the line that goes in both directions without stopping. Time and much of His creation is a very small line segment on that line. However, you and I, wherever we begin on the line, continue on as a ray even when death takes our body. The real “us” is what is known, metaphysically and theologically, as the soul. That part of us will exist forever in eternal presence with God or eternal separation from God.

The older I get and the more I get to know Jesus, the more my thoughts focus on what comes after this little blip we call Time. Our little bubble of Time is existing in eternity right now. While this may seem to be an abstract idea without much consequence, I believe it is actually the only thing of consequence. My soul will exist forever in a place of wonderful bliss or horrible suffering. That’s not a popular idea. For some, it’s not an attractive idea. And many don’t even believe it is an accurate idea. I think I’ve given you enough deep thinking and theology for now, so you will have to go somewhere else to argue those opinions.

Because I have a relationship with Jesus, I plan to go to live with Him when I die or when He returns to take all His living children with Him to Heaven. However, I don’t want to go alone. I’d love for everyone on this planet to go with me. That’s not a choice I can make for anyone but myself. All I can do is share about Jesus with those within my circle of influence.

Here’s an old song version, that explains it a bit more simply perhaps:

So, why did I choose such an unusual word for 2022? What does such a lofty word have to do with my goals for this new year?

My simplest goal for this year is to live each day with Eternity in mind. I want it to inform every other goal I have.

What does that look like for the coming year? I have three sets of goals I’ll be working towards and evaluating this year.

Three of them are PERSONAL. I have a personal goal for my soul, my body and my mind. I’m not comfortable with sharing the specifics of those at this point, but they will take the bulk of my energy for goal-work. These are areas I can improve myself to better prepare for an eternal existence and to live well here in the “waiting room”, if you will.

The other set of goals I have require the PEOPLE in my life:
HOMEMAKING – Creating a Reflection of Heaven Here on Earth
HOSPITALITY – Impacting Others for Heaven
HOMESCHOOLING – Preparing my own Disciples for Heaven

The third set of goals I have affect my reading and writing, so I call them my PRINT goals. The first is this blog, the second is another writing project I’m working on and the last will be to keep track of and share what I’m reading with you as I did last year.

I’m not sure exactly what my word updates will look like this year. I promise I won’t take you into confusing depths each time like I did in this post. I do love to talk about Jesus and the Bible, so feel free to indulge in an email conversation with me if you love that kind of thing. However, I will simply be tracking my goals, sharing the (hopefully) inspiring tidbits with you as I go.

But, before I go, I’d love some company on this new journey. Do you have a PERSONAL, PEOPLE or PRINT goal you’re working towards in 2022? Please send me an e-mail and connect. I’d love to have some small accountability groups even if we only share one small goal. And, if you’re a Christian, have you considered having more of a focus on eternal values in 2022? If you’re not a Christian, what is your concept of eternity? Let me know about that, too.

Many blessings to you! I hope you all have an amazing 2022!

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