One Word 2017: Habits

So, here we are again. A brand new year lies before us. The old one lays behind us as a pleasant memory or as motivation to do better this year. I wrote about that last time.

I have been known to jump into a new year with a list of resolutions. Then, everyone got smart and started calling them goals. Either way, I had a long list at the beginning of the year and a discouraging year end when little was accomplished from my list.

I think that’s why I love the idea of One Word so well. Instead of approaching the year with a cookie cutter list, I can let it evolve. Let the Lord lead. Relinquish a bit more control and trust the process of time. It was amazing how that worked last year. I don’t want that lesson to be lost.

I do have a few things I’d like to accomplish this year. However, I know jumping in with both feet has not served me well. This year, I plan to ease in with a word that doesn’t sound quite as exciting. However, I believe it will give me a better year end. As always, I’ll give you updates along the way. It keeps me accountable, and gives you some free entertainment. 🙂

In a word, or I should say a graphic, here is my Resolution… Goal Word for the year:

The word is HABITS. I decided to make it into an acronym this time to help me keep my goals right in front of me.

While I was building other things last year, my health was rather neglected. I plan to nourish my body better, move more and care for my health in a much more meaningful way. My body is the only home I have for my soul while I am on this earth. I want to care for it the best I can by building small habits towards a healthier lifestyle. I have a weight loss goal in mind, but I am going to focus on enjoying the process of bringing better habits into my life instead of negative thoughts that I’m not where I want to be yet.

Unless you’re a writer, this may not sound very exciting. However, I missed writing last year when other priorities took over. I want to publish 100 articles this year on my blog, in publications, or other social media channels. I believe that is the best practice for my craft, and I learn a lot through the process of writing.

Last year, I had 90 books on my To Read list. I ended up reading or scanning 43. Not too bad considering the other things we had going on. I want to read 2 books a week and reach 100 this year. I have already made my list of 100 books and started in. I’ll let you know how it goes. I want to be constantly learning and growing, and reading is a great way to do that.

That’s it. Those are my three goals. We have some other big goals for our family and our business. If we don’t quite reach them, we plan to have the time of our lives trying.

So what about the rest of my acronym? Well, those other words are the How of my Habit-Building. I’ve alluded to at least one of them already.

I’ve been guilty of reading a book, listening to a podcast or sermon and thinking, “Wow! That is a great idea!” But, if the idea never turns into implementation, I have wasted my time. The things I learn and the habits I determine to work on have to be put into action right away.

I know life is not always the proverbial “bed of roses”. However, whether it is a difficult circumstance, a difficult person or just a goal that is difficult to reach, I want to put the best possible construction on it and keep moving forward.

Of course, I know that any goal, habit or life plan without God is destined to fail. I know I need Him every single moment of my day. I want Him beside me every moment. I determine to follow where He leads.

Happy 2017!

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