My Scripture Word for 2019

This will be the fifth year I choose a word for the year to guide me as I grow and learn and try to achieve a few goals. Here are the words I’ve chosen the last four years:

2018: Renovate
2017: Habits
2016: Build
2015: Cherish

Since God worked on me much differently than I expected this last year, I began to pray about His word for me. I have felt this word on my heart for the last few months. My word is taken from Matthew 6:33:

“SEEK ye first the kingdom of God, and His righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.”

I realized that whatever goals I want to reach, they will be added to me if I seek Him first. When I began to pray about how to truly SEEK Him, another verse came to my mind, Luke 10:27:

“Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all they heart; and with all they soul, and with all thy strength, and with all thy mind; and they neighbor as thyself.”

From these two verses, I decided to set these goals for my year:

I will SEEK and love God with all my…..

Heart: By preparing myself emotionally for each day with an early rising time.
Soul: By spending time each morning in fervent prayer.
Mind: By completing a reading plan in the Word and books as a refresher  of my doctrinal beliefs.
Strength: By glorifying Him with optimal health in my physical body.
And my neighbor as myself: By living a life of hospitality.

I’m not sure where all the Lord will lead me this year, but I want to always be seeking after Him. What about you? Have you chosen a word for the year? I’d love to hear about it in the comments!

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